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Anew, Again

album cover

By Jamie Paige Other jamiepaige Bandcamp jamieirl SoundCloud JamiePaigeIRL YouTube Spotify Spotify pamiejaige Twitter paisleypudge Twitter paisleypudge Tumblr.
Cover art by Robert J! Lake spellmynamewithabang Bandcamp YouTube YouTube spellbang Twitter.
Released 4/16/2016.
Duration: ~26:17.

Listen on Bandcamp, YouTube (playlist), Spotify, or Apple Music.

View commentary page!

  1. (2:58) Decree
  2. (1:55) Space Center
  3. (2:30) Skygirl
  4. (3:53) Imaginary, Effervescent
  5. (3:15) Adelaide Delays by Jamie Paige, Nat Wesley, and Marcy Nabors
  6. (3:03) Song for Jijo
  7. (4:25) Grand Restore
  8. (1:51) Space Center [pt. 2]
  9. (2:27) Good Time, Lead Line

Added to wiki 10/25/2023.

Artist commentary:

Jamie Paige:

This EP came together in a ridiculously small amount of time compared to most projects I've done before, and I'm blaming that on the fact that I'm using my actual name now.

Super special shoutouts to Ivy, Isiah, Honor, Sam, Rachel, RJ (and while I'm at it, the entire Homestuck music team, or at least the ones that I talk to), Riki, Cochet, Jijo, Sadie, the nxc scene, all the people in the like 5 different Skype groups I hang out in, and uh. Me. Shoutout to myself.

Additional shoutouts to hormone replacement therapy and the fact that estrogen has claimed a stake in my body semi-permanently now; I'm not depressed 24/7 anymore!

Dream 1

View original file ( kB MB). (Heads up! If you're on a mobile plan, this is a large download.)