the green box set 1

By iodbc - The Black Box
Next album by this artist.
Cover art by iodbc - The Black Box
Released 11/1/2018.
Duration: ~1:19:28.
Listen on Bandcamp.
View gallery page or commentary page!
- (3:04) [S] Cape
- (3:10) Stargazer
- (4:24) Through the Light (Between Worlds)
- (2:33) Bronze Mechanic
- (4:44) Crashing Down
- (2:27) CONVERGENCE (Emmy's Theme)
- (3:57) Requiem of Renewal (Laraminia's Theme)
- (3:35) Reverse Engineering (Qamarkino's Theme)
- (2:20) Teal Maestro (Acoustic Refrain)
- (3:37) Phantasm of the Mind (Theremina's Theme)
- (0:42) [S] Nepeta: Hunt (Unused)
- (0:50) [S] Nepeta: Hunt
- (1:25) Dunwich Lullabies
- (2:40) Viridian Suede
- (2:47) Cruoric Competitors
- (3:27) Through the Haze
- (3:29) In the Deep
- (3:20) A Taste of Heaven and Hell
- (3:01) Off the Path
- (2:56) Slammin' Through Time
- (3:24) Final Movement
- (3:13) The Green Lion Roars
- (3:21) The Forgotten Star
- (2:54) Press A to Start
- (1:04) NEPSIM
- (2:28) The Litterbox
- (2:04) Ritz's Theme
- (2:32) Debt to be Paid
Added to wiki 4/13/2024.
Artist commentary:
iodbc - The Black Box: (Bandcamp about blurb)
This is a series of commissions done for the folks at the MS Paint Fan Adventure community. Some tracks may not be publicly available until a later date, and some tracks may be given their own album (at the commissioner's request.)
By the way, if you're reading this and want to commission music for anything, then please feel free to contact me through Discord (iodbc#7182) or my email (
iodbc - The Black Box: (Bandcamp credits blurb)
See each individual track for commissioner information and a direct link to the commissioner's Fanventure.
MS Paint Fan Adventures is a website that hosts Homestuck Fanventures. You may view the site here: