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Writhe: The Thing from the Omega Sector OST

album cover

By Malcolm Brown dragonxvi SoundCloud dragonxvi Tumblr DragonXVI Twitter.
Cover art by Malcolm Brown dragonxvi SoundCloud dragonxvi Tumblr DragonXVI Twitter.
Wallpaper art by Malcolm Brown dragonxvi SoundCloud dragonxvi Tumblr DragonXVI Twitter.
Released 8/25/2015.
Duration: ~5:17.

Listen on SoundCloud.

View commentary page!

  1. (1:21) Everyday I'm Slitherin'
  2. (2:37) 10 Points For Slitherin'
  3. (1:19) Weapon X Boss Battle

Added to wiki 4/13/2024.

Artist commentary:

Malcolm Brown:

The soundtrack to my 48HR Ludum Dare 33 game, which you can play:

View original file ( kB MB). (Heads up! If you're on a mobile plan, this is a large download.)