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- Even In Battle (SoundCloud)
Por Latadenata
Techno-Dancing Beauty
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Lanzado el 20/7/2024.
Duración: 2:51.
Escucha en Bandcamp o SoundCloud.
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Pistas que Even in Battle (vs. Rose) referencia: Pistas que esta hace referencia:
Comentario del artista:
Latadenata: (Bandcamp about blurb)
hey guys, latadenata here to explain the song:
(sorry in advance for potential english grammar errors!)
at first it was kind of hard for me to start writing this song, i have never really been a big fan of fighting games so I was kinda new to this “fighting game music style”, making it hard for me to picture how the song would go
one thing i knew i had to do was using those typical soundfont orchestra hits you can hear in a lot of retro videogame music to give it some intensity just as a real fight would, well i mean, i guess they’re mostly intense idk i have never been to a fight maybe i should try
the next thing for me was using the two songs i find more recognizable for rose: Even in death and Derse Dreamers
of course, derse dreamers is (allegedly) dave’s theme too, but who looks bigger on the cover art? exactly.
for both of these songs i pretty much just used their beginning melodies as the main melodies of each part because they’re recognizable and are also hard as fuck.
i mostly tried to use violins and pianos since those are the two instruments i find most fitting for rose (and also used staccato violins to emphasize intensity and raw epicness)
for the bass and the even in death main melody i used more retro-like sounds (touhou soundfont bass and a generic square layered with a soundfont piano-y thingy) since i find fighting games are usually generally thought more as 2D retro pixelart games than anything.
Fuente de créditos:
Latadenata: (Bandcamp about blurb, excerpt)
[...] I was kinda new to this “fighting game music style”, making it hard for me to picture how the song would go
one thing i knew i had to do was using those typical soundfont orchestra hits you can hear in a lot of retro videogame music to give it some intensity just as a real fight would [...]
the next thing for me was using the two songs i find more recognizable for rose: Even in death and Derse Dreamers [...] i pretty much just used their beginning melodies as the main melodies of each part because they’re recognizable and are also hard as fuck [...]
for the bass and the even in death main melody i used more retro-like sounds (touhou soundfont bass and a generic square layered with a soundfont piano-y thingy) [...]