

Por Wolfgun.
Duración: 5:53.

Escucha en Bandcamp o YouTube.

Pistas que samplean Lights:

De Fandom:


In the dawn of every day
I will miss the subtle rays
Of shooting stars
And moonlight on the trees
What once was in its place
Is now gone without a trace
And I am left with nothing but a memory

Take me back to see that sky
Where the planets were not shy
And the milky way
Was brighter than the sun
When I stopped to share my sights
I found no words to let me try
And I am left with feelings only just begun

Like fireworks, I saw the lights
Filling up my shadow
When night falls, the stars shine bright
Like a road to carry me home

We'll journey freely

Yeah, I'm the wolf and I'll carry on
There's only stars in my soul now
So take me back to the summertime
To the forest, and the night's call

Yeah, I'm the wolf and I'll carry on
There's only stars in my soul now
So take me back to the summertime
To the forest, and the night's call

All the things I'd wish to see
I know are waiting there for me
The shooting stars
And moonlight on the trees
What once was in its place
Is now a dream for me to chase
And I am left with visions of our galaxy

Like fireworks, I saw the lights
Filling up my shadow
When night falls, the stars shine bright
Like a road to carry me home

Like fireworks, I saw the lights
Filling up my shadow
When night falls, the stars shine bright
Like a road to carry me home

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