My Diamond
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Lanzado el 9/9/2019.
Duración: 3:26.
Escucha en Bandcamp.
Lea en comentario de artista.
Comentario del artista:
Q: Tell us about yourself and your music!
I make covers of video game music! I'd like to say "I make music inspired by video games", but that's simultaneously not 100% true, and I haven't done anything original in ages (there's stuff in the works, though). Perhaps in a more general sense, I'll just say I make music inspired by whatever happens to inspire me, and a lot of that (but certainly not all!) is video game music, and right now a lot of it is covers. I think that's accurate!
I try to draw my influences from various places - I'm inspired by Japanese composers in video gamesand anime (Nobuo Uematsu being a big one, Yoko Shimomura, Yuki Kajiura, more recently Keiichi Okabe), more contemporary indie composers (Lena Raine, Chipzel, Austin Wintory, and of course Aivi and Surasshu), and electronic pop acts (Caravan Palace and Porter Robinson, to name a few). I'd like to shoot for something that kind of mashes all of these things together, which is some combination of ambient/ethereal, melodic, jazz/orchestral, pop, uh, a sprinkling of other stuff?
I like to straddle genre lines is what I'm saying. Or try to, anyway.
Currently most of my music gets released either on Bandcamp or Youtube, either on my own (links below!) or as part of Materia Collective's community albums (see: Materia Collective is, by the way, a collective of musicians passionate about video game music and the covering of them. We're cool!! You should... check it out...?
Q: Briefly describe the process of working on your track.
So actually I was doing something else (a medley of SU songs) but it wasn't progressing very well, and then 2 days before the deadline I was like "screw this, I'm making something else", so I started a blank REAPER project and went, ok, who from the show do I like the most?
The answer is Pearl.
So I swiped a couple motifs - from "Do It For Her", "It's Over, Isn't It" and the memories in "A Single Pale Rose" - and built something on top of it. The vibe of the song is largely inspired by Keiichi Okabe's "City Ruins" from NieR: Automata. I like that song probably more than is healthy.
Threw it together in 6 hours and slid it in and somehow didn't get yelled at.
Q: What's your favourite (official) Steven Universe song?
Stronger Than You. Is good.
Q: What's your favourite thing about the track you made?
I like taking little motifs and stringing them out and combining them with other motifs. Have fun spotting them!