Red Pulse

Por ehlsea
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Lanzado el 8/12/2017.
Duración: 3:25.
Escucha en Bandcamp o YouTube.
Lea en comentario de artista.
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Comentario del artista:
As I was writing this song, I wanted it to sound like a video game styled theme for the land. A pulsing beat drives the song with hazy pads and synths.
SplitSuns: (album organizer)
LOPAH is home to an oppressive and bloody landscape, quite literally so. I mean, the oceans are legitimately made of blood. If that isn't metal I don't know what is. Anyway, this artwork conveys the hostility of stepping foot in such an environment masterfully, with the moody skies, foreboding architecture, and blood-rivers that cut into the terrain and seem to take up the entire canvas. There's great care taken into even the most minor aspects of the lighting so that the piece as a whole feels truly complete. The end result: a pretty cool-looking place, all things considered. Just try not to lose your footing; no one should have to experience being submerged in blood.