The Not-Fuckass Not-Waltz

Por cookiefonster
The Gemoni Mustard Blood
Previo pista por este artista
Everyone Forgets She Kills Animals
Siguiente pista por este artista.
Carátula por daXfactorz.
Lanzado el 20/8/2016.
Duración: 2:41.
Escucha en Bandcamp o YouTube.
Lea en comentario de artista.
Pistas que The Not-Fuckass Not-Waltz referencia: Pistas que esta hace referencia:
- Showdown por Toby Fox
- Karkat's Theme por Toby Fox
- Iron Knight por DJ最テー
Pistas que referencian The Not-Fuckass Not-Waltz: Pistas que hacen referencia a esta:
- De Fandom: Pistas de Fandom que hacen referencia a esta:
Pistas que samplean The Not-Fuckass Not-Waltz: Pistas que samplean esta:
- De Fandom: Pistas de Fandom que samplean esta:
Comentario del artista:
cookiefonster: (album video commentary)
(Continued from The Gemoni Mustard Blood)
And then the next song is The Not-Fuckass Not-Waltz, which is a dumb name. And it's a pretty generic song, but I listen to it.
I started with the melody from Showdown, this one song which was made as a randomly made melody or something by Toby, whatever that even means, but I used a really simplified version of the Showdown melody, rather than just using a MIDI. That's how you can tell I'm a true artist, unlike the other chumps on this team.
Anyway, I wanted to remix the bassline from Karkat's Theme or Crustacean I guess, but it proved really hard and limiting. Like, all those really good Homestuck songs, like, they trick you into thinking the bassline from Crustacean or Karkat's Theme is really really easy and fun to use in songs, like in his part of Rex, but it's not, it's extremely limiting, and at least with my experience, it made me unable to actually mess around with chord patterns the way I wanted to.
And yeah, I do like messing around with chord patterns in songs. Oh yeah, I forgot I used Iron Knight in there, that one super aggressive guitar song, but I took all of those angry songs and made them into something different. Maybe something not as interesting as all those Karkat songs, but something different at least.
It's a solid two-some minute song, and yeah, I only remixed three songs in it, which, by my standards, is pretty damn insane. I think only one other song remixes three songs, but I'll get to that thing later.
But yeah, I do a lot of repeating sections, which is how I get my songs off into a passable length, and even then, my songs don't tend to be long, on average two-some minutes, and this album is a perfect example of that, I guess.
And yeah, I don't know what else to say about this, other than that I think, um, I actually think I did a medium good job combining the three songs I remixed in this album, and in that last ending section which we're on right now, I actually combined all three songs that I remixed into this together.
And it reaches a level of depth that I think my—it has a problem with my songs that it reaches a strong level of depth towards the end, when I feel like it could've been that way at the beginning. At least, that's the way I like to do the last sections of the songs, varying my favorite parts with more depth, and I guess I like the last 30 seconds of my songs often way, way, way, way more than I should. It's just a thing with my music, I guess.
And yeah, that's the song.
(Continued in Everyone Forgets She Kills Animals)