Those Who Tread the Furthest Ring

Por Rowyn Berlan
Broken Dreams
Previo pista por este artista
Siguiente pista por este artista y Beau Brian
First Tumor, Second Life
Previo pista por este artista
We'll Be Right Back
Siguiente pista por este artista.
Carátula por animmania
Broken Dreams
Previo arte de pista por este artista
Siguiente arte de pista por este artista.
Lanzado el 25/10/2019.
Duración: 3:23.
Escucha en Bandcamp, YouTube o Spotify.
Lea en comentario de artista.
Comentario del artista:
Rowyn Berlan: (composer, booklet commentary)
So I've always wanted to collab with young beau and I saw this song as the perfect opportunity. I started out by editing a few sytrus synths to better suit my tastes and added some noise buildup for atmosphere. I then passed the song to beau after writing a shitty piano sketch. Sooner than later Beau sent me back his WIP in which he added a lead piano and a bass break before his computer died. I had to finish the rest of the song myself but luckily the work Beau did gave me a clear direction to take the song. For the rest of the song I drew inspiration from songs like Land of Morytha and Yggdrasil from the Xenoblade 2 OST (good game btw) because I think the atmospheric tone of said songs was perfect for what I wanted. I decided to end the entire song with a combination of all previous motifs present throughout the earlier sections of the song and I think me and beau did well. In retrospect I believe that atmosphere was key when trying to represent Dirk's journey through the Furthest Ring in musical form and well I hope we achieved my goal.
Beau Brian: (composer, booklet commentary)
It vvas a really fun albeit rather shortli<ed experience helping Rowyn vvith this collab. Simply put, they said they didn't knovv vvhat to do vvith it past a certain point and vve discussed a collaboration. After a bit, they tossed o<er a copy of the project file and the things it used, and I did my best to go to tovvn on it. I only got the smallest bit added - A piano medley, a little bloopity part, a half a bass break - before I got p tired and hit the hay. I didn't ha<e time to vvork on it the next morning, so I sent it back to Rowyn knovving I'd be spending all my spare time the next fevv days at vvork. By the time I could get around to opening the file again, my computer had practically bricked itself..? I couldn't vvork on the project at all, but Rowyn did an amazing job completing. They'll probably say they vvere stuck, but in reality vvhen they vvas gi<en just the slightest push they jet right into it, and did a hell of a good job along the vvay.
Beau Brian: (composer, booklet commentary, quirk-free)
It was a really fun albeit rather shortlived experience helping Rowyn with this collab. Simply put, they said they didn't know what to do with it past a certain point and we discussed a collaboration. After a bit, they tossed over a copy of the project file and the things it used, and I did my best to go to town on it. I only got the smallest bit added - A piano medley, a little bloopity part, a half a bass break - before I got p tired and hit the hay. I didn't have time to work on it the next morning, so I sent it back to Rowyn knowing I'd be spending all my spare time the next few days at work. By the time I could get around to opening the file again, my computer had practically bricked itself..? I couldn't work on the project at all, but Rowyn did an amazing job completing. They'll probably say they were stuck, but in reality when they was given just the slightest push they jet right into it, and did a hell of a good job along the way.