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C A N W A V E 2 - Commentary

140 words across 5 entries.

C A N W A V E 2 Listen on: Bandcamp, YouTube (playlist)

Cool and New Music Team:

In a dystopian (but not implausible) future, America has fallen to ruins under the tyrannical hand of President Donald J. Trump. Can Jhon save the country from further disaster, or will he perish in the attempt?

X - V A P O R - N I G H T C O R E - R O M Listen on: Bandcamp, YouTube

Makin: (Perplexed)

This is a nightcore remix (speed-up) of a vaporwave remix (slow-down) of XROM by Toby Fox. Does it reference the original song, or does it reference the vaporwave remix? To sample, or not to sample, that is the question.

I guess I'll just write the most stupid interpretation in.

BLΛNK JIMMEE Listen on: Bandcamp, YouTube

SplitSuns: (Composer)

After releasing hit albums Blank Jimmee 0 and Blank Jimmee 1, the esteemed vaporwave artist/Donald Trump enthusiast "Blank Jimmee" (alias of the part-time sales-salamander/thief Fresh Jimmy) has hit it out of the park with his newest release, MAGA.


This track's art references the cover for Blank Banshee's album "Blank Banshee 0".

Gunshow 2 Finale Part 2 Listen on: Bandcamp, YouTube

ostrichlittledungeon: (Composer)

To be continued...

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