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track cover

By Toby Fox tobyfox Bandcamp tobyfox Twitter Other fwugradiation Tumblr.
Cover art by Homestuck.
Released 4/13/2010.
Duration: 2:24.

Listen on Bandcamp or YouTube.

Download sheet music files.
Read artist commentary.

Also released as:

Tracks that Black references:

Tracks that Black samples:

Tracks that reference Black:

From Fandom:

Tracks that sample Black:

From Fandom:


Make her a member of the Midnight Crew!

I'm a member of the-
I'm a member of the-
I'm a member of the Midnight Crew!

I'm a member of the-
I'm a member of the-

I'm a member of the-
I'm a member of the Midnight Crew!
I'm a member of the-
I'm a member of the Midnight Crew!

I'm a member of the-
I'm a member of the Midnight Crew!
I'm a- I'm a- I'm a member of the-
I'm a member of the Midnight Crew!

Print or download sheet music files:

Artist commentary:

Andrew Hussie: (MSPA news post, excerpt)

Additional trivia: if you're wondering where the old-timey clip at the beginning of "Black" comes from, check it out. (1:29) It's from a song recorded exactly 100 years prior to Homestuck. Toby slapped it on the beginning of his remix and I thought "cool" and rolled with it, but it wasn't until now I found out where it was from. Maybe he mentioned it to me once and I was like pfffff, not remembering THAT fact, nice try. This is a good example of how the music strongly influences how I put together the animations.

View original file ( kB MB). (Heads up! If you're on a mobile plan, this is a large download.)