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Additional or alternate names:

  • By My Blade (Justice is Served) (feat @dbnet18 ) (YouTube)
  • By My Blade (Justice Is Served) (feat dbnet) (SoundCloud, minus album name)

By Rainy andyomon00 SoundCloud rainywishes Tumblr YouTube YouTube andyomon00 Twitter Battle Against An Unyielding Foe Previous track by this artist Above the Melting Clockwork Next track by this artist (composition, arrangement, production) and dbnet18 dbnet18 Bandcamp user-201967720 SoundCloud dbnet18 Twitter dbnet18 YouTube dbnet18 Tumblr Mass Hysteria Previous track by this artist Anode Tube Next track by this artist (composition, arrangement, production).
Cover art by dizzims. dizzims Twitter Breakdown Previous track art by this artist Soulbound Next track art by this artist.
Released 3/22/2023.
Duration: 2:16.

Listen on Bandcamp, YouTube, or SoundCloud.

Read artist commentary.


Artist commentary:

Rainy: (YouTube description, excerpt)

As you are probably astutely aware of at this point, By My Blade is collaboration between me and dbnet. I’ve actually been a pretty big fan of his VE work for long time prior to joining the music team and I thought it would be a cool idea to collab with him on a song. He agreed and I got to immediately starting cooking up a melodic idea for us to work on. Within an hour of tooling around on piano, I had the main melody and we got to work. From there, the collab mostly consisted tossing an FLP + stems back and forth while adding to each other’s ideas. When dbnet arranged the initial idea he gave it a “very homestuck era Toby Fox” feel, so I decided to lean into that a bit and take influence from “The Blind Prophet” by incorporating Shreddage guitar and MMX2 instruments. Neither of us really had a concept going into making BMB but I eventually settled on making it a Vigilant Protector track given how heroic it sounds. It works shockingly well as a battlefield theme too. Anyway, you should give dbnet’s work a listen if you haven’t already, he’s pretty good at music imo.

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