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Horn and tentacle torture

track cover

By Xszelor thehighblood Bandcamp realmite Bandcamp scorpan Bandcamp frostcaster Bandcamp dvojka Bandcamp valkzaron Bandcamp daedricblessing Bandcamp YouTube YouTube YouTube YouTube Other Other Army of the Wicked God Previous track by this artist Grubgrinder Next track by this artist and Highblood thehighblood Bandcamp Other Army of the Wicked God Previous track by this artist Grubgrinder Next track by this artist.
Released 11/25/2021.
Duration: 2:49.

Listen on Bandcamp.


Tracks that reference Horn and tentacle torture:

From Fandom:


Try to enjoy your torture
Torment racks and ties of blood
Defloration & Mutilation
Abomination with Horns

You can feel it anywhere
In your fracture
Mutilation of your eyes and guts
We are wicked in resort
In the combination
To fustrate our wicked thoughts

Our religion
Is your pain

Horn and Tentacle Torture
Horn and Tentacle Torture

Trying to run
Trying to hide
But damage is done
And we got inside

Horn and Tentacle Torture
Horn and Tentacle Torture
Horn and Tentacle Torture
Horn and Tentacle Torture

View original file ( kB MB). (Heads up! If you're on a mobile plan, this is a large download.)