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June's Ode

track cover

Album cover for The Baby is June

By Funk McLovin funkmclovin Bandcamp YouTube YouTube BigFunkyJ Twitter Karkat's Lament Previous track by this artist Off Brand Next track by this artist.
Released 11/23/2020.
Duration: 2:44.

Listen on Bandcamp.


Tracks that reference June's Ode:

From Fandom:


DAVE: alright youll be able to see the ultrasound image on the monitor
DAVE: the miracle of life is wonderful dont you agree june
DAVE: uh
DAVE: june

That baby is me
It's plain to see
From the ultrasound image
And my friend's stomach
Looking so carefree

I've been through a lot
I've seen some shit
But this takes the cake
This one is it

I can't carry on
I can't wrap my brain
His stomach's distended a baby
With my own face

It's got my buckteeth
And my mischevious grin
Even more upsetting
I see my glasses on them

I try to shout
I try to scream
But I can't comprehend
The baby is me

My buddy Dave is pregnant
With a baby who is me
Seems surreal
What's the deal
He's swimming in Dave's pee

DAVE: its not pee june its amniotic fluid
DAVE: theres a big difference

(Hey while you guys are singing, do mind if I take a trumpet solo?)
(Sure thing doc, go right ahead.)

[Prenatal trumpet solo.]

A child in my bro
A wholeass baby kid
Not even the result
Of something I did

Dave is taking this well
What the fuck is his deal
I've been losing my mind
Is this how the virgin Mary feels

Look at their weird face
On the ultrasound screen
They're looking at me
God what could this mean

How can Dave sit there
With zero qualms
Is he a good dad
Am I a good mom

My buddy Dave is pregnant
With a baby who is me
Seems surreal
What's the deal
He's swimming in Dave's pee

DAVE: for the last time its not pee

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