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Land Of The Free

track cover

By Michael Guy Bowman bowman Bandcamp YouTube YouTube mguybowman Twitter Other mguybowman Instagram Anarchy Previous track by this artist With The World Sitting On Your Shoulders Next track by this artist.
Released 1/26/2021.
Duration: 3:33.

Listen on Bandcamp, YouTube, Spotify, or Apple Music.



We don't know who we are
We don't know who we are
And we don't care
We don't care

We don't know what we want
We don't know what we want
But we want it now
Yeah we want it now

And we know we have rights
Written by magical men
With the wave of a pen
In the land of the free
Where you don't have to be
Anyone at all

We don't know why we're here
We don't know why we're here
But we won't leave
We won't leave

We don't know when to stop
We don't know when to stop
And we won't slow down
No, we won't slow down

And we know we're in charge
With a license from God
To take whatever we want
In the land for the free
Where you can give your disease
To anyone at all

And we don't negotiate
And you can't retaliate
And we hold on to our hate
Because it's all we have
And we don't think twice
When it all comes crashing down
Crashing down

We don't know who we are
We don't know who we are
But we know where
We know where

And we love it to death
And you can't disagree
Because it's all true to me
In the land of the free
Where you don't have to be
Anyone at all

View original file ( kB MB). (Heads up! If you're on a mobile plan, this is a large download.)