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Lovely and Saccharine

track cover

By Pascal van den Bos potatoboss Bandcamp potato-jams-94172520 SoundCloud PascalvandenBos YouTube potatomoosik Twitter Davesprite 3 Previous track by this artist Artificial Extortion Next track by this artist.
Cover art by Camelote camcommecamelote DeviantArt Fetch The Bullet! Previous track art by this artist.
Released 4/13/2019.
Duration: 2:10.

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Read artist commentary.

Tracks that Lovely and Saccharine references:

Artist commentary:

Pascal van den Bos: (composer, booklet commentary)

This track was actually a commission for a fantroll theme. I basically just based the entire song off one motif that i used from Lust, the rest of the song was based off the track “Virgin Orb” by Toby Fox. I promised 2 commissioners that i would use their fantroll themes in STLaP 2 and i did. I’m kinda glad i did too because i really like the songs.

The Paradox Music Team: (Bandcamp about blurb)

For the fantroll Ilenah Helpin by: Doodlele on HSA

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