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By Toby Fox tobyfox Bandcamp tobyfox Twitter Other fwugradiation Tumblr Girls Pretty Dress Dress ~ Do Your Best Now Previous track by this artist An Apple Disaster!! Next track by this artist.
Released 11/29/2011.
Duration: 1:39.

Listen on Tumblr or YouTube.

Tracks that reference Magical Hopalong Cassidy Station:

From Fandom:
From Beyond:


This first level song is called Magical Hopalong Cassidy Station.

This part of the song is just to remind you that it takes place in Japan, in case you forgot.

This is where we have the sudden transition into the miniboss battle part of the song.


Okay I'm flying toward the ends of the level now.

Picking up some more uh, powerups.
I have not reached max power yet 'cuz it's the first level.

Now it's coming to a sort of break in the music while you're talking to the boss.

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