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Millennium Bug

track cover

Album cover for Archive

By Michael Guy Bowman bowman Bandcamp YouTube YouTube mguybowman Twitter Other mguybowman Instagram This Sunset Previous track by this artist Know That You're Mine Next track by this artist.
Released 7/19/2016.
Duration: 3:33.

Listen on Bandcamp, YouTube, Spotify, or Apple Music.

Read artist commentary.

Artist commentary:

Michael Guy Bowman: (Bandcamp about blurb)

Kickstarter reward for Sixar, 2012

Michael Guy Bowman: (SoundCloud description)

Another commission! This one is a full-length instrumental requested by Sixar for use in a forthcoming project.

Request is as follows: "I'd like you to write a theme for one of the worlds that features prominently in a project I've been working on behind the scenes. It'd serve as a theme song for both the planet in question and maybe the project in general..."

"...Basically, I'd like something adventurous, perhaps a little dark, and a bit sci-fi. Instrumental would be fantastic."

Better than a music video, here's the fantastic projection-based Christmas display Yuletide Lights by Pollyck:

View original file ( kB MB). (Heads up! If you're on a mobile plan, this is a large download.)