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Seatbelt Safety

track cover

By SerialSymphony serialsymphony SoundCloud serialsymphony Bandcamp Bees.mp3 Previous track by this artist Beetermination (Thinking Bee) Next track by this artist.
Cover art by Sigourney Martin sigourneymartin Tumblr mcsiggy Tumblr 7UR8UL3N7 coll4bor4t1on Previous track art by this artist Sleep Tite, Veri Next track art by this artist.
Released 4/16/2016.
Duration: 0:51.

Listen on Bandcamp or YouTube.

Read artist commentary.



(Ladies and gentlemen, and everyone in between and otherwise, I'm here to tell you a story, about a certain man who did not know how to properly wear a seatbelt. That young man's name was Cronus Ampora, and one day he was driving his car, otherwise cruising and bruising, without wearing a seatbelt as mandated by Title 49 of the United States Code, Chapter 301, Motor Vehicle Safety Standard. In just a short time, through a series of trials and tribulations that would affect him on this day, he would discover the secrets of seatbelt safety, and have a convertive and serious motor vehicle accident because he was unfastened within the vehicle. This is the story of that journey of self-discovery that would affect him for the rest of his life. All of you, I hope you enjoy.)

(Oh no, not the bees, not the bees! AAAAAAH!)

Artist commentary:


how do we make a cronus seatbelt song
I'm thinking traffic background noise

Ducky Senpai: (bee)

seatbelt clicking noises

(~Stara:) (bee?)

just sample traffic and the gross sounds seatbelts make when you rub them against themselves

Ducky Senpai: (bee)


View original file ( kB MB). (Heads up! If you're on a mobile plan, this is a large download.)