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Welcome to the Dark Carnival

track cover

Album cover for Toxic Love

By Frilent frilent Bandcamp frilent SoundCloud Spotify Spotify frilentmusic Twitter frilentmusic Instagram YouTube YouTube frilentmusic TikTok Other Toxic Love Next track by this artist, articulatelyComposed YouTube YouTube articulatelycomposed SoundCloud articulately-composed Tumblr aCmusic27 Twitter Flushing Pale Previous track by this artist Toxic Love Next track by this artist (music, lyrics), and Miranda Holliday mirandapholliday Instagram Toxic Love Next track by this artist (lyrics).
Released 4/13/2023.
Duration: 1:23.

Listen on Bandcamp or YouTube.



Welcome, welcome, come one and all
Our twinkling lights begin to call
The gates are opening to a fabulous place
So grab your ticket and paint a smile on your face

Trolls are trapezing, the MC is scheming
The Faygo's on tap, the wheel sends you dreaming

This is the Dark Carnival!
Once you enter the tent, a mind-bending event
This is the Dark Carnival!
You'll learn to call this place your home

Try the deep-fried grubs and the grub-fried scrubs
I work here for life 'cause everyone does

This is the Dark Carnival!
Cast like stars in the skies, you won't believe your eyes
At the Dark Carnival!
You'll have to call this place your home
I know I call this place my home

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