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With The World Sitting On Your Shoulders

track cover

By Michael Guy Bowman bowman Bandcamp YouTube YouTube mguybowman Twitter Other mguybowman Instagram Land Of The Free Previous track by this artist Bombs Away Next track by this artist.
Released 1/26/2021.
Duration: 3:28.

Listen on Bandcamp, YouTube, Spotify, or Apple Music.



There's a riot on the pavement
When you walk into the street
With a dream of retribution
And the rising of the heat

Do you kiss the feet of beggars
Do you let them stand alone
When you look down to your fingers
And the body's not your own

Tell me how it feels
With the world sitting on your shoulders
All the time

Tell me how it feels
With the blood inside you running colder
On and on
On and on

There's a blackout in the city
When the poles are realigned
And the compass spins forever
So you have to speak your mind

At the mercy of the public
In the violence of the state
If you cannot change your answer
Will you trust the hands of fate

Tell me how it feels
With the world sitting on your shoulders
All the time

Tell me how it feels
With the blood inside you running colder
On and on
On and on

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