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By Rainy andyomon00 SoundCloud rainywishes Tumblr YouTube YouTube andyomon00 Twitter RUN IT BACK Previous track by this artist Hope For A More Radiant Dawn Next track by this artist.
Cover art by Neviathan NeverisMonday Twitter All That Matters Next track art by this artist.
Released 11/4/2023.
Duration: 2:56.

Listen on Bandcamp, YouTube, or SoundCloud.

Read artist commentary.


Tracks that Atomsplitter / Destroyer Of Worlds (Ft. votl) references:

Tracks that reference Atomsplitter / Destroyer Of Worlds (Ft. votl):

From Fandom:


The age of man has ended
Hubris now exceeds ambition
A burned-in shadow of yesterday
A screaming silence echos

Artist commentary:

Rainy: (YouTube / SoundCloud descriptions, excerpt)

Indecision is a funny thing. So, the idea with this track is that it was supposed to be a Shin Megami Tensei inspired battle theme. Thing is about SMT’s battle themes is that they are wildly different depending on what game you are talking about. I was torn between the thrash metal sound of classic SMT battle themes like “Old Enemy” and Synth infused Apocalyptic rock sounds of “Normal Battle” from Nocturne. Then a thought occurred to me: what if I did both? And that’s what I did. In the move inspired by Tyler, The Creator I decided to make this song two parter. Part 1 is “Atomsplitter” which focused on delivering a fast as fuck thrash metal sound fill with synths and funny midi guitar solo. Part 2 “,Destroyer of Worlds” is a bit slower with meatier riffs and fucked up text to speech lyrics. Shout out to Votl who played the live guitar I layered with the Shreddage guitar to beef up the song. Not really much else to say about this track, I like how I arranged the “Battle Against an Unyielding Foe” Riff in part 2

Quasar Nebula: (wiki editor)

This track's "Atomsplitter" title appears to have originated as the initial title for Battle Against An Unyielding Foe.

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