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Checkmate (Should I use Stalemate instead since there's already a song called Checkmate?)

track cover

By Noisemaker noisemaster Bandcamp baseline7 SoundCloud.
Cover art by miraculousAvantgarde.
Released 9/3/2016.
Duration: 2:14.

Listen on Bandcamp or YouTube.

Read artist commentary.

Tracks that Checkmate (Should I use Stalemate instead since there's already a song called Checkmate?) references:

Artist commentary:


Oh Jesus, is this going to be the actual name now?

...i'll roll with it i like it anyway


I just shittily redrew a scene from WV?: Rise Up and that's basically it. I kinda lagged behind because of IRL shit but after 5 days and 29 pings from Makin I finally finished it.

PS: No, I'm not apologizing for using the same type of brush on every fucking thing on this art. Fuck you

View original file ( kB MB). (Heads up! If you're on a mobile plan, this is a large download.)