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By James Roach hames Bandcamp jamesroachmusic SoundCloud YouTube YouTube hamesatron Twitter it's a cover of 'made of time' Previous track by this artist this is like... what was it... > [S] MSPAR: Remember Next track by this artist.
Duration: 1:39.

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(Backwards whispers)

Now I am whispering, I am whispering now.
It's time for whispers, it's whisper o'clock.
I really hope you really didn't like, go through and speed this up.
Or whatever to figure out what I'm saying you're supposed to just-- [unintelligible]
I just have to whisper a bunch, just gonna layer it, you're never even gonna hear this part.
I'm drinking starbucks right now, you're listening. [slurping/lip smacking sounds]
It's cold, fuck.
It... psspsspss.
I made the sound like I'm whispering but I wasn't actually whispering anything.
I'm just, I, I'm simply whispering, man.
Bro? You, you ever whisper? It's fucked up.
It's like talking but not actually quieter cause you're making this really raspy voice and everyone can fucking hear you.
It's... if you really don't want a parent to hear you speak in lower tones because you're keeping yourself easier to hear so, so, don't, don't whisper.
Okay thats all: I'm gonna stop doing this now.

Artist commentary:

Niklink: (wiki editor)

Unofficial name. Found in the game's files as 'ITS_NOTHING'.

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