Just Me and My Boyfriend

By Witch's Cadence
Raze in Vitriol
Previous track by this artist
Blood Pact
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Cover art by anxiee
Raze in Vitriol
Previous track art by this artist
Blood Pact
Next track art by this artist.
Released 11/25/2023.
Duration: 2:01.
Listen on Bandcamp.
Read artist commentary.
Tracks that Just Me and My Boyfriend references: Tracks that this one references:
Artist commentary:
Witch's Cadence: (booklet commentary)
This song is the one that went through the most change from concept to final version. Initially on the sheet I wrote “mei thief song”, and it was meant to be for when she was stealing, but I kind of felt like that didn’t fit in as well with the other, actually more menacing concepts that the album was about. Also it was going to be another very upbeat song, and since this was the last track I made for this album, I thought it would be a better idea to make a song that could serve as a break point in the middle of the album, I mean I already made like ten other super hype songs for it, that’s already a bit much I think.
So instead, I decided to make a relaxed song about how the world kind of mistreated Mei and Boyfriend, mainly inspired by the panel of a younger version of her and Boyfriend sitting under a bridge while it rains (at least I think it was raining I might be misremembering).
I’m quite happy with this song, also I didn’t realize until after I made it, but it sounded kind of not major or minor, and it turns out it’s in Dorian, So, uh, cool!! With the first idea I had I wanted to put the “Popple Battle” from superstar saga in it, but I never made that version, so it didn’t happen. Instead, I ended up accidentally referencing that one toby fox picross song. I really liked how it sounded so I didn’t take it out when I noticed, haha.