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By gr1mv4d3r user-286022888 SoundCloud MSPFA MSPFA gr1mv4d3r YouTube gr1mv4d3r Instagram Other Fright Rush Previous track by this artist Chr0mmat1kk Next track by this artist.
Released 7/20/2024.
Duration: 1:17.

Listen on Bandcamp or SoundCloud.

Read artist commentary.
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Tracks that KrabKlash (vs. Karkat) references:

Artist commentary:

gr1mv4d3r: (Bandcamp about blurb)

this is basically just how I envisioned karkat’s theme (by toby fox) sounding if it was arranged into the style of a fighting game esque track. the middle section references a bit of suburban jungle (by michael guy bowman) and there’s a section after that referencing my own track chr0mat1kk from my fanventure called paradox struck. you all should read paradox struck.

Crediting sources:

gr1mv4d3r: (Bandcamp about blurb, excerpt)

this is basically just how I envisioned karkat’s theme (by toby fox) sounding if it was arranged into the style of a fighting game esque track. the middle section references a bit of suburban jungle (by michael guy bowman) and there’s a section after that referencing my own track chr0mat1kk from my fanventure called paradox struck. [...]

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