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Land of Light and Cheer

track cover

By Thomas Ferkol eidolonorpheus Bandcamp eidolonorpheus SoundCloud EidolonOrpheus Twitter Time Paradox Previous track by this artist Gog Rest Ye Merry Prospitians Next track by this artist.
Released 12/25/2010.
Duration: 1:53.

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Artist commentary:

Robert J! Lake, Nick Smalley, and Hanna Nakamura: (album audio commentary)

(Continued from The Santa Claus Interdimensional Travel Sleigh)

RJ!: Okay, so wait.
Nick: The first... Land.
RJ!: You can go. Talk.
Nick: The what?
RJ!: I was going to ask if the segues that I didn't like...
Nick: No, no, no. You say first.
RJ!: Okay. If the segues that aren't written by me are written or improv'd.
RJ!: Because I couldn't tell, actually.
Nick: I don't know.
Nick: Some are written and some aren't written.
Nick: I mean, I just found ones that I didn't think were...
Nick: That I think that needed to be written, and I just wrote the ones for the ones that needed to be written.
Nick: Like the ones later in the album.
Nick: Like near the end?
RJ!: Oh yeah, like for the Midnight... Okay.
RJ!: Yeah. I see what you're saying.
Nick: Yeah, like Midnight Crew and SBAHJ.
Nick: SBAHJjio [?].
RJ!: This is why I wanted to introduce with an instrumental playing on this album.
RJ!: On an album that has an unusual amount of vocals for a Homestuck album, actually.
RJ!: It's because it's Homestuck Gaiden, that's why.
RJ!: We're off the record.
Nick: Hell yeah, Homestuck Gaiden.
Nick: Go subscribe or follow or whatever you do for that kind of stuff.
Hanna: Hey, we're past the halfway point.
RJ!: You'll probably find us on Twitter after I make a Twitter for us.
Nick: Make a Twitter then.
RJ!: Then you can tweet or twat all the way at us.
Hanna: Tweet!
Nick: You can tweet and you can Facebook and...
RJ!: We will have a Facebook page, yes.
Nick: Bandcamp?
RJ!: The Bandcamp is already set up, actually, as of this writing.
RJ!: By writing, I mean my voice talking.
Nick: Perfect.

(Continued in Gog Rest Ye Merry Prospitians)

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