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Let it Snow

track cover

By Mark J. Hadley parsecproductions Bandcamp YouTube YouTube AgentParsec Twitter agentparsec Tumblr Other A Skaian Christmas Previous track by this artist Squidissension Next track by this artist.
Released 12/25/2010.
Duration: 1:31.

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Read artist commentary.

Tracks that Let it Snow references:

Artist commentary:

Robert J! Lake, Nick Smalley, and Hanna Nakamura: (album audio commentary)

(Continued from Oh, No! It's the Midnight Crew!)

Nick: This song wasn't going to make it in if I didn't do something about it.
RJ!: No, it actually wasn't. Mostly because...
Nick: And then I did.
RJ!: I wasn't able...
RJ!: Like, I couldn't fit it in and make it segue well.
RJ!: Noo!
Hanna: Why are you sending something over Skype?
Hanna: That's going to lag the call even more.
Nick: I'll send it after this commentary, god.
RJ!: Another reason this wasn't going to get in is because...
RJ!: Because Let it Snow is actually not out of the public domain.
Hanna: No, we really won't be able to hear anything you're saying.
RJ!: So we're cheating a little bit.
RJ!: We're hoping we're getting away on our good will and charity.
Hanna: Yeah, that shit's copyrighted.
RJ!: It is!
Nick: We are.
Nick: This is why it's charity. Thanks, Parsec
RJ!: Licensed.
RJ!: But yeah, this money is all going to Child's Play.
Nick: That's kind of a jerkish thing for me to say.
Nick: Charity's awesome. What am I talking about?
RJ: Especially this one. This is Child's Play we're giving to.
Hanna: Charity.

(Continued in Hella Sweet)

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