Additional or alternate names:
- Let the Rain Fall Where it May (Bonus) (YouTube title)
- [Bonus] Let the Rain Fall Where it May (name in booklet)
By Rainy
A Life Worth Living
Previous track by this artist
A Life Worth Living (Piano)
Next track by this artist.
Released 12/4/2019.
Duration: 2:09.
Read artist commentary.
Tracks that reference Let the Rain Fall Where It May: Tracks that reference this one:
- From Fandom: Tracks that reference this one — from Fandom:
Artist commentary:
Rainy: (booklet commentary)
You may be wondering why this album is still going. Well there's one more track after this one so you're almost done lol
This track has a bit of history. I initially wrote this for a fantasy RPG idea I had almost two year ago as a character theme. I wanted make this grand adventure starting from the soundtrack than moving to the rest of the game. When I realized that the idea would probably never pan out, I kind of gave up on the idea. However, I still really like this song. It was one of the things that caused me to change my music name to Rainy back in like 2018. It honestly means a lot to me personally just like the rest of this album does, and so I thought it would be cool if featured it on the album in some capacity.