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Prepare Your Teeth

track cover

By Xszelor thehighblood Bandcamp realmite Bandcamp scorpan Bandcamp frostcaster Bandcamp dvojka Bandcamp valkzaron Bandcamp daedricblessing Bandcamp YouTube YouTube YouTube YouTube Other Other and Highblood thehighblood Bandcamp Other.
Released 7/21/2022.
Duration: 1:25.

Listen on Bandcamp.


Here we go
Destroy the forces of weak
Destruction of fucking bloodless scums

Honor inside
in our eyes
In our blood
in our skies
Never decieve
Never forgot
That are you did
Never distort

What inside your blood
What inside your head
What inside your mind
What inside you skull

Never lick the salt
Never lick the salt
Never lick the salt
As i said
Drink the Faygo

View original file ( kB MB). (Heads up! If you're on a mobile plan, this is a large download.)