Sta-ag-gered Move-me-ent
By The Pure Spectre.
Cover art by MarbleMint.
Released 4/13/2019.
Duration: 5:22.
Listen on YouTube.
Read artist commentary.
Tracks that Sta-ag-gered Move-me-ent references: Tracks that this one references:
Artist commentary:
The Pure Spectre: (composer, booklet commentary)
Note that this particular commentary piece is being written somewhat prematurely in my eyes, as the song is technically unfinished as of writing. Not my fault for doing so - there was a deadline on these.
So this song wasn’t planned to be in this album at all. Instead, a more ambitious project of mine was going to be in it’s place, one that’s more related to cherubs and such. However, it became increasingly apparent that, if I were to try and finish it in a timely manner, it would likely turn out as a - excuse me when I say this - shit pile on fire. That’s to say, terribly. So, I’m reserving it for the next album, one where I can have time to acclimate to new software and actually make a good product.
In it’s place, we have this sort of Descend/Upward Movement remix that I managed to cook up in the spare time away from my main PC. It turned out alright, but according to Mr. P-Boss, equalization on it was quite poor. It was an understanble and true statement - the software I used for it wasn’t really made to equalize.
Because of this fact, he actually offered to take the midi file of the song and the audio file and convert it into a more equalized, and hopefully better sounding, version. As of writing this, I’ve yet to hear anything about it though. This description will be changed if he does end up following through. If he doesn’t, then what you’ll be hearing is my version of it, and this description will be left unchanged. In any case, I hope it’s a good listening for the ears.