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Additional or alternate names:

  • Sugar Rush (Vs. Jane) (YouTube, minus album name)

By Rainy andyomon00 SoundCloud rainywishes Tumblr YouTube YouTube andyomon00 Twitter Battle! Science Society Scientist Previous track by this artist What A Daring Hunt (vs. Jake) Next track by this artist.
Released 7/20/2024.
Duration: 2:20.

Listen on Bandcamp or YouTube.

Read artist commentary.
Read crediting sources.

Tracks that Sugar Rush (vs. Jane) references:

Artist commentary:

Rainy: (YouTube description, excerpt)

I was asked to write commentary for the two tracks, so here you go. I’ve always had a soft spot for Jane, so taking on the task of writing a strife theme for here was something I didn’t even need to think about. As one can probably hear, the track has heavy influence from the Kirby series. The goofy, saccharine sound of those soundtracks fit Jane’s silly personality, so I had to go for it. I initially wanted to do something more in the style of Flashygoodness but gave up lol. This song also sees me revisiting a fansong I wrote in 2018 called “Lifesaver” which was on the now delisted album Stable Timeloops and Paradoxes 2. Coming back to melodies that I wrote 6 years ago feels odd but doing really made me appreciate how far I’ve come since then.

Crediting sources:

Rainy: (YouTube description, excerpt)

[...] As one can probably hear, the track has heavy influence from the Kirby series. The goofy, saccharine sound of those soundtracks fit Jane’s silly personality, so I had to go for it. [...]

Rainy: (YouTube description, excerpt)

"First Steps" by David Ellis
"Lifesaver" by Rainy

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