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The More You Know

track cover

By Nick Smalley Anthem of Rime Previous track by this artist The Santa Claus Interdimensional Travel Sleigh Next track by this artist.
Released 12/25/2010.
Duration: 0:33.

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Read artist commentary.


(Now you may start thinking to yourself, isn't it only people that celebrate Christmas? That's where I'd have to stop ya. And say, Christmas doesn't end with just people, it's species all over the world. Now I know a couple of 'em that live right under the sea. I think you know. I think I do too. And I think that they've got something they need to do.)

Artist commentary:

Robert J! Lake, Nick Smalley, and Hanna Nakamura: (album audio commentary)

(Continued from Carefree Perigee)

RJ!: (laughs)
Nick: "Christmas doesn't end with just people. Species all over the world, man".
Nick: "It's about free love, you know what I mean?"
RJ!: I have to ask--
Nick: Originally that was something I had to say.

(Continued in The Squiddles Save Christmas)

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