
Cover art by Unknown Artist
Earthbound Halloween Hack
Next cover art by this artist.
Released 1/6/2009.
Duration: ~1:12:49.
View commentary page!
- (5:54) Miles Away by Mrmilkcarton
- (4:19) Crystalline by SolusLunes
- (4:14) A Moonless Blue by nal1200
- (4:25) Paroxysm by Quarl
- (3:48) Andas by EnV
- (4:46) Keys of A Piano by O'Neil Gerald
- (3:45) Happiness (BeatSource Remix) by BeatSource
- (3:24) Adrenaline by RenoakRhythm
- (4:27) Say I Am You by Synthetic Music Apparatus
- (6:59) Morning Light (OM) by Kr1z
- (2:57) Destiny by Hoxon
- (3:26) Saying Goodbye by F-777
- (5:24) Audio Hallucination by Arka-9
- (3:01) Estrayed by DigitalPulse
- (5:50) Unending Tribulation by PERVOK
- (6:10) Iceferno by RedMoon
Added to wiki 4/13/2024.
Artist commentary:
nal1200: (Newgrounds news post, excerpt)
Synthetica EP News!
You can purchase the album from the iTunes store by clicking (dead iTunes link) here!
Check out the Electronic EP project "Synthetica!"
Because this is a collaborative effort of many Newgrounds Audio Artists, I strongly encourage you to check out everyone's material. A list of artists is as follows:
SolusLunes (Solus Lotus)
nal1200 ft. LiraLei (Lira Yin)
Quarl (Ruqal)
Envy (~EnV~)
Ethalyn (BeatSource)
SMA (Synthetic Music Apparatus)
Helixmusic (Helix)
F-777 (Jesse Valentine)
Danredda (DaNReD)
Shadow6X6 (Astrix)
Bahdshah (Redmoon Deejay)I'd like to thank everyone that purchases the EP, and i'd like to put out a special thanks to everyone that's helped promote it.
Be sure to tune in to Radiogrounds as well for some great NG music, as well as much, much more. The DJs there are local users here on NG, and I must say it's by far the best radio station EVAR!
nal1200: (Newgrounds demo track description, excerpt)
A demo track for the Audio Portal's Electronic EP: Syntethica!
We are proud to present to you a demo track featuring a clip of each song submitted to Newgrounds Audio Portal project titled "Synthetica."
This project, which includes songs from 16 renown artists, is available for the purchase on iTunes, AmazonMP3, and other digital music providers for only $9.99.
Solus Lotus (SolusLunes)
nal1200 ft. Lira Yin (Liralei)
Ruqal (Quarl)
Synthetic Music Apparatus (SMA)
Jesse Valentine (F-777)
Danred (danredda)
Astrix (Astrix33)
Redmoon Deejay (Bahdshah)
We appreciate the support and all of those who continue to make our magical dreams come true! :3