On the Rox

Por Rainy
Siguiente album por este artista.
Carátula por Siedlag
Stable Time Loops and Paradoxes 3
Siguiente banner del álbum por este artista.
Fondo por Siedlag
DeviantArt (+ edicionesEdiciones para la wikia por Jebb).
Lanzado el 4/12/2019.
Duración: ~1:23:14.
Escucha en Bandcamp, YouTube (lista de reproducción) o Spotify.
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¡Véase pagina de galeria o pagina de comentario!
- Main album: (~1:16:53) Main album:
- (2:58) On Apocalyptic Shores
- (2:59) Technostalgia
- (2:57) A City of Black and White
- (4:49) Through the Looking Glass
- (4:15) Broken Bottles, Broken Dreams
- (5:01) Sleepwalker
- (2:56) Communing With Fireflies
- (3:58) Saboteur
- (3:11) -Interlude-
- (6:55) Neon Haze
- (4:54) Meditations On Derse
- (2:47) Sole Survivor
- (4:54) Choices
- (5:22) A Future Worth Stealing
- (3:11) Reunion
- (4:38) From the Void
- (6:48) Fight For the Future
- (4:20) A Life Worth Living
- Bonus tracks: (~6:21) Bonus tracks:
- (2:09) Let the Rain Fall Where It May
- (4:12) A Life Worth Living (Piano)
Añadido a la wiki el 12/6/2024.
Véase o descarge archivos adicionales:
Album Booklet
- On The Rox Commentary.pdf (9.2 MB)
Comentario del artista:
Rainy: (booklet commentary)
Hopefully if you're reading this, the album actually came out.
In all seriousness, This album has been a massive undertaking for me personally. What started out as a passing idea for an album idea I had in December of 2018, quickly turned into one of my most ambitious projects to date. However, I think in the end it was worth it. The album started as a simple "One Year Older" copycat album about my favorite character Roxy Lalonde. In the end, I think I've really created an album that stands on it's own merits as an album. I really like how this album turned out and I hope you do to.
alright time to make so shoutouts to the people who made this album possible.
Firstly, I would like to think PotatoBoss for having enough faith in me to do this album in the first place. Next, I would like all the artists who did the beautiful art for this album. The album wouldn't be anywhere near as good without their pieces and they all deserve a big pat on the back. I would also like to think Spades and the other music feedback lords for giving me really good feedback on every song on this album and tolerating my many pings. I want to thank fellow PMT musician, Chromaphasia, for performing piano on the last track on the album. Next, I want to give a very special thanks to Thomas "Eidolon" Ferkol for providing a MIDI for "Voidlight" which is remixed on this album. I would also like to thank Andrew Hussie for creating Homestuck and writing one of the most compelling characters in media. But most importantly, Thank YOU!!! for taking time to listen to my album.
Without Further Ado, I present to you On The Rox.