Sburbmon Original Soundtrack

Por Twix Stix
Carátula por Makin
Hammerkind Original Soundtrack
Previo banner del álbum por este artista y Sburbmon Team
Otro (sprites).
Fondo por Sburbmon Team
Lanzado el 10/10/2019.
Arte lanzado el 8/5/2024.
Duración: ~52:38.
Escucha en YouTube (álbum completo), YouTube (lista de reproducción) o Internet Archive.
Véase archivos adicionales.
¡Véase página de comentario!
- Main album: (~52:31) Main album:
- (0:56) Title Screen
- (2:11) Maple Valley
- (1:52) The Battlefield
- (2:11) SburbMart
- (1:49) Forested Area
- (1:23) Land of Wind and Shade
- (1:52) Land of Caves and Silence
- (1:29) Land of Light and Rain
- (1:05) Land of Heat and Clockwork
- (2:01) Rap Battle!
- (1:02) Pony Ride
- (2:33) Land of Tombs and Krypton
- (3:03) Derse
- (1:45) Midnight Crew Casino
- (1:50) Felt Hideout
- (1:04) Land of Frost and Frogs
- (2:03) Surfing
- (1:56) Prospit
- (2:18) Skaianet
- (1:52) The Veil
- (1:32) Wild Battle
- (1:41) Trainer Strife
- (1:53) Denizen Strife
- (1:50) A Rare Encounter
- (1:32) A Legendary Encounter
- (1:22) Route Theme 1
- (2:31) Route Theme 2
- (2:20) Route Theme 3
- (1:35) Route Theme 4
- Bonus track: (0:07) Bonus track:
- (0:07) Music Box
Añadido a la wiki el 12/6/2024.
Véase o descarge archivos adicionales:
Track Upload Dates
- Besides the main OST folder, The Big 'Mon Checklist also links to a Dropbox download for each track. These files archive the timestamps of when those files were uploaded and modified, according to Dropbox. These might not reflect the dates when the tracks were actually created or first included in Sburbmon.
- sburbmon-dates-by-sheet.txt (5.3 kB)
- sburbmon-dates-by-modified.txt (5.1 kB)
- sburbmon-dates-by-uploaded.txt (5.1 kB)
Comentario del artista:
Twix Stix: (composer, project lead, wiki communications over Discord)
The Doctor cover was the first one I made on a whim before I ever became the lead on the project, and the tracklist slowly expanded from there. The entire project was inspired by Touhoumon, and while I wasn't quite skilled enough to create the same 'remix' vibe that game had, I still wanted to include some of Homestuck's music in the game in a similar way.
Every song in the album was sequenced in an actual GBA rom, not just imitated by a soundfont.
Makin: (wiki editor, cover artist)
This is the soundtrack for Sburbmon, a Homestuck-themed mod for Pokemon Fire Red. It was composed in full by Twix Stix, who currently heads development of the mod itself.
The album was only ever released as a zip download, and is now fully hosted on YouTube and Additionally, MIDIs have been extracted from the game files, and I've made a cover in the style of Fire Red's box art using a few sprites made by the Sburbmon team over the years.
Quasar Nebula: (wiki editor)
Summarizing details Twix Stix shared with Makin (#hsmusic-chat) over Discord DMs:
Although Sburbmon's first demo was published , the mod eventually came to include all the tracks compiled here. These were released as a soundtrack folder linked from The Big 'Mon Checklist; Twix Stix indicates the last track was created on , which is the date we've used for the album here.
Also, thanks for the beautiful cover artwork, Makin.