
Sburbmon Original Soundtrack

carátula del álbum

Por Twix Stix twixstixx YouTube.
Carátula por Makin Hammerkind Original Soundtrack Previo banner del álbum por este artista y Sburbmon Team sburbmon Tumblr Otro (sprites).
Fondo por Sburbmon Team sburbmon Tumblr Otro.
Lanzado el 10/10/2019.
Arte lanzado el 8/5/2024.
Duración: ~52:38.

Escucha en YouTube (álbum completo), YouTube (lista de reproducción) o Internet Archive.

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Main album: (~52:31)
  1. (0:56) Title Screen
  2. (2:11) Maple Valley
  3. (1:52) The Battlefield
  4. (2:11) SburbMart
  5. (1:49) Forested Area
  6. (1:23) Land of Wind and Shade
  7. (1:52) Land of Caves and Silence
  8. (1:29) Land of Light and Rain
  9. (1:05) Land of Heat and Clockwork
  10. (2:01) Rap Battle!
  11. (1:02) Pony Ride
  12. (2:33) Land of Tombs and Krypton
  13. (3:03) Derse
  14. (1:45) Midnight Crew Casino
  15. (1:50) Felt Hideout
  16. (1:04) Land of Frost and Frogs
  17. (2:03) Surfing
  18. (1:56) Prospit
  19. (2:18) Skaianet
  20. (1:52) The Veil
  21. (1:32) Wild Battle
  22. (1:41) Trainer Strife
  23. (1:53) Denizen Strife
  24. (1:50) A Rare Encounter
  25. (1:32) A Legendary Encounter
  26. (1:22) Route Theme 1
  27. (2:31) Route Theme 2
  28. (2:20) Route Theme 3
  29. (1:35) Route Theme 4
Bonus track: (0:07)
  1. (0:07) Music Box

Añadido a la wiki el 12/6/2024.

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Comentario del artista:

Twix Stix: (composer, project lead, wiki communications over Discord)

The Doctor cover was the first one I made on a whim before I ever became the lead on the project, and the tracklist slowly expanded from there. The entire project was inspired by Touhoumon, and while I wasn't quite skilled enough to create the same 'remix' vibe that game had, I still wanted to include some of Homestuck's music in the game in a similar way.

Every song in the album was sequenced in an actual GBA rom, not just imitated by a soundfont.

Makin: (wiki editor, cover artist)

This is the soundtrack for Sburbmon, a Homestuck-themed mod for Pokemon Fire Red. It was composed in full by Twix Stix, who currently heads development of the mod itself.

The album was only ever released as a zip download, and is now fully hosted on YouTube and Additionally, MIDIs have been extracted from the game files, and I've made a cover in the style of Fire Red's box art using a few sprites made by the Sburbmon team over the years.

Quasar Nebula: (wiki editor)

Summarizing details Twix Stix shared with Makin (#hsmusic-chat) over Discord DMs:

Although Sburbmon's first demo was published , the mod eventually came to include all the tracks compiled here. These were released as a soundtrack folder linked from The Big 'Mon Checklist; Twix Stix indicates the last track was created on , which is the date we've used for the album here.

Also, thanks for the beautiful cover artwork, Makin.

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