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126 palabras en 2 entradas.

Comentario del álbum

Casual Sunday:

a love letter to homestuck

album organised by veritas unae
album mastered by marcy nabors
album commentary booklet by circlejourney
cover art by slog and climeade

Quasar Nebula: (wiki editor)

this is an independent release from the band Casual Sunday!

please support the group by purchasing the album - it comes with a commentary booklet i don't intend to transcribe here.



Malcolm Brown:

Couldn't end my run on Homestuck without doing one last John/Showtime track! It's an orchestral smorgasbord of Ballad of Awakening, Lifdoff, Showtime and probably something else I've forgotten. Also makes use of Shepard Tones in the middle to give the impression of a constantly rising melody, (or just to sound annoying)

Didn't quite make the Volume 10 cut, but presented here for your enjoyment! :D

Alternative name: "Shave and a Heircut"

View original file ( kB MB). (Heads up! If you're on a mobile plan, this is a large download.)