Visita en Bandcamp o
Plural 'jack of all trades' from the Netherlands; they wrote a suite of twelve EPs based on each of the trolls' lands, and they've composed a track each week of every second year since 2012.
¡Véase galería de álbumes! O navegue la lista:
- (Quartz and Melody (from Fandom) )
- (Sand and Zephyr (from Fandom) )
- (Brains and Fire (from Fandom) )
- (Pulse and Haze (from Fandom) )
- (Little Cubes and Tea (from Fandom) )
- (Rays and Frogs (from Fandom) )
- (Thought and Flow (from Fandom) )
- (Maps and Treasure (from Fandom) )
- (Caves and Silence (from Fandom) )
- (Tents and Mirth (from Fandom) )
- (Wrath and Angels (from Fandom) )
- (Dew and Glass (from Fandom) )