All Work and No Play

Por Kanishka
Caffeinated Jittering
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Lanzado el 16/9/2023.
Duración: 4:38.
Escucha en Bandcamp o YouTube.
Lea en comentario de artista.
Pistas que All Work and No Play referencia: Pistas que esta hace referencia:
- Three in the Morning por Clark Powell
- The Ballad of Jack Noir por Toby Fox
- Double Midnight por Toby Fox
- Litrichean Rioghail por Malcolm Brown
- How Do I Live por Con Air y Diane Warren
Comentario del artista:
Initially conceived as a funky tribute to the likes of Casiopea and Yellow Magic Orchestra, All Work and no Play ended up becoming a much moodier piece after I was overcome with the sudden desire to make something more akin to Bohren und der Club of Gore mixed with Kelly Bailey's Half-Life soundtracks instead. That's the Doylist explanation; from the Watsonian perspective, this track is supposed to represent Jack Noir's mounting frustration with mind-numbingly tedious paperwork and ridiculous dress-code requirements.