
Another Countdown

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Por Michael Guy Bowman bowman Bandcamp YouTube YouTube mguybowman Twitter Otro mguybowman Instagram I'm a Member of the Midnight Crew (Post-Punk Version) Previo pista por este artista Waiting For Adventure [Loading Screen] Siguiente pista por este artista.
Carátula por Emery Ferguson Otro.
Lanzado el 12/6/2012.
Duración: 1:20.

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Michael Guy Bowman: (composer, Tumblr, excerpt) capturado 17/12/2018

I've mentioned a few times that Homestuck Vol. 9, in its early planning stages, was conceived as an album that would be dedicated to the new session of Homestuck, and most of the tracks would mimic older songs re-imagined in the new universe presented in Act 6. "Another Countdown" was thus the sister song of "Sburban Countdown" - both are brief arrangements of their parent songs ("Another Jungle" and "Sburban Jungle" respectively) meant to crescendo towards a major climax.

"Another Countdown" was retooled from its parent track to be far mellower at first - the bass and drum comping is a bit latin in flavor, and much of the song's first half is almost completely quiet until the explosion that finishes off the track. When the concept of the record was changed, it was decided that this relatively short song would be included as a bonus when you purchase the full album.

Michael Guy Bowman: (Michael Guy Bowman Talks About His Homestuck Music, adapted to text)

Oh, Another Countdown, of course I put a little cap on the Another Jungle thing, with a revisitation of Mark Hadley's Sburban Countdown.

Emery Ferguson: (track artist, Tumblr)

So the other day my friend Michael Bowman asked me to put together a piece of artwork for the next volume of Homestuck music, depicting Jane Crocker's last few moments on Earth before the spaceship arrives.

This is a large version of my track art for a super sweet bonus track that you can only get by purchasing the album! And I hope you will, because I can tell you a lot of really talented people poured some real time and heart into this one.

I had a lot of fun making this! There was only a few hours to get it done, so I was a little nervous that I might not do it justice for all the Homestuck fans out there, but I did my best for you folks! Hope you like it! This is my first and so far only delve into the world of Homestuck art, but I can see why people do it so often. It was a real good time.

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