En Masse

Por The Great Anansi
Carátula por rawlithmora.
Lanzado el 9/9/2017.
Duración: 3:38.
Escucha en Bandcamp o YouTube.
Lea en comentario de artista.
Pistas que En Masse referencia: Pistas que esta hace referencia:
- Scratch por David Ko
- English por Toby Fox
- Rex Duodecim Angelus por Malcolm Brown
Comentario del artista:
The Great Anansi: (composer, booklet commentary)
En Masse is actually a remastering of sorts of the very first Homestuck remix (and just generally one of the first songs ever) that I made about five or six years ago, because this was conceptualized around when Homestuck was ending last year to be a commemoration of the webcomic that sparked so much creative energy in me and catalyzed about 99% of my current friendships. I was keen on having it be grand and sweeping—essentially, doing everything my initial remix did, except bigger and badder than ever before. To that end, I started tossing in some extra motifs and making the composition even mroe frantic than before, but I was keen on keeping the overall rhythm and classical-esque style of Scratch; it's been a very long time since the cueball-head was directly relevant, but it's important to remember that that's where so much started! The project encountered some severe snags due to various real life troubles and motivation issues, but thanks to the support of the LOFAM team, it's finally been brought to life and I'm back on my feet with bountiful motivation. I might be a bit rocky, but it's only going up from here!
SplitSuns: (album help, booklet commentary)
This art primarily focuses on Doc Scratch, his profile taking up most of the canvas. There's a nice contrast between the organic and textured forms of his suit and the precisely geometric shapes such as his cueball head, the triangle cutting through his chest, and the halo of squares over him. The use of recurring motifs such as pool balls, arrows, and brooms help to connect the piece further to Scratch's roots, with the peacock texturing suggesting the foreboding Felt Manor. An interesting artwork for an enigmatic character.