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- Her Honorable Vengeance (quirk-free)
Por Seren Mist
Siguiente pista por este artista.
Carátula por Liz Fish
Violet Means to a Violent End
Siguiente arte de pista por este artista.
Lanzado el 27/8/2017.
Duración: 2:49.
Escucha en Bandcamp o YouTube.
Lea en comentario de artista.
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Comentario del artista:
When I was assigned to write Redglare's main track for the album, my first thought was to make it a very orchestral track, with lots of strings. As it was forming, I decided that limiting myself to only orchestral instruments would hamper my exploration of her character, so I added in more synth sounds and heavier drums. The name of the track comes from a play on "His Honorable Tyrrany" and from a quote by Alexander Pope, "On wrongs swift vengeance waits." I think it's quite fitting for Redglare, who blindsides Mindfang but in the name of justice, of course.
This track inspired me to put a noir twist on my usual style. I could picture Redglare stalking down dirty back alleys and seedy underground establishments, hunting down the fleeing criminals that need to be brought to JUST1C3 in a gritty detective game with cyberpunk flavor. A great track and a great character; I hope I've done justice for them both. >:]