
Nombres adicionales o alternativos:

  • Hell0!! 0u0 (name in booklet)

Por Beau Brian YouTube YouTube Photoluminescence Previo pista por este artista Trainer House Siguiente pista por este artista.
Carátula por doctorcorby doctorcorby DeviantArt Otro blackheartbiohazards Tumblr Soft as the Clouds Previo arte de pista por este artista.
Lanzado el 13/4/2020.
Duración: 2:36.

Escucha en Bandcamp, YouTube o Spotify.

Lea en comentario de artista.

Comentario del artista:

Beau Brian: (composer, booklet commentary)

When I started on this song, I started with blazing progress in a few sessions - I had some mixer presets I had made fro some other, less important tracks at the ready, and I was just itching to put them to good use. I was working on this song fervently...

...And then I dropped it for a couple of months. All motivation towards anything musical was severely lacking, and it affected a lot more than just this song, but after a good wait I did get back to this. I don't know if I kept the shape I originally wanted it to have, seeing as how I remember nothing else about the process that went into it, but it's done now, and I think I like it.

Vea archivo original ( kB MB). (¡Cuidado! Si estas en móvil, esta es una descarga grande.)