
Land of Pulse and Kingdoms

carátula de la pista

Por Dylan S. dasindylan SoundCloud dylan-snyder Carrd.
Carátula por Clockworkreapers clockwrkreapers Twitter clockworkreapers Tumblr Blackblooddragoness YouTube clockworkreapers ArtStation clockworkreapers DeviantArt clockworkreapers Instagram Clockworkreapers Toyhouse.
Lanzado el 9/10/2022.
Duración: 2:13.

Escucha en SoundCloud.

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Comentario del artista:

Dylan S.:

I tried to hit a sort of Ennio Morricone type vibe here, it’s a big land of adventure and mushrooms and warring factions. I’m not Ennio Morricone so it didn’t really end up sounding like that, probably for the best. One of the guitars is a Kontakt library, one of them I recorded myself (The one at 1:30 in). At first it frustrated me how different and tinny what I played sounded, because I didn’t exactly have a good recording setup/am not a professional studio musician paid to record guitar like the Kontakt guy, but it turned out it sounded pretty cool when I layered the two on top of each other at the end so I called it a win. Good and kinda shitty are like Yin and Yang apparently.

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