Resurrection [God Tier]

Por Brad Griffin
CumuloSeerus [Oracle Clouds]
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Lanzado el 24/11/2012.
Duración: 2:22.
Escucha en Bandcamp o YouTube.
Lea en comentario de artista.
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Comentario del artista:
"[S] JOHN. RISE UP" is one of my favorite HS pages. A lot of that was watched while composing this. I added the fading rain at the start as a transition from the Game Over track before that got moved. The crescendo and accelerando throughout is meant to embody the returning of vitality and infusion of power. It's in 5/4 time because 4/4 is boring.
Making an image that encompasses 'God Tier' is kind of hard. I mean, it's such an epic concept in general and more than just getting groovy hooded pyjamas. I decided to do something that'd reflect the 'resurrection' aspect of ascending; I love the animations of John and Jade's with the big sparkly skies and stuff. It was fun to make something gratuitously glowy.