Savior of the Coasting Rolled

Por Wheals
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Carátula por olkiswerve
gee it's another doctor
Siguiente arte de pista por este artista y Wheals
Unite Synchronization (Unused Vocal Version)
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Lanzado el 20/8/2016.
Duración: 2:28.
Escucha en Bandcamp o YouTube.
Lea en comentario de artista.
Pistas que Savior of the Coasting Rolled referencia: Pistas que esta hace referencia:
- Savior of the Waking World por Toby Fox
- RollerCoaster Tycoon Theme por RollerCoaster Tycoon y Allister Brimble
- Doctor por Buzinkai y Clark Powell
Comentario del artista:
The idea for this track dates more or less back to the beginning of the idea of an all-Doctor album. With heavy inspiration from the awesome can you give me a HAND, I decided to try out a combo of SotWW + the RCT theme. After transposing the 4/4 RCT melody in the aforementioned song, from a MIDI dragonChaser kindly provided me, to E♭ minor (let's face it, Toby is the absolute madman), I had some help from MrCheeze and dC tweaking the rhythm so it matched SotWW a little better. JohnJRenns was a big help in getting the bass and drums to sound passable, though it was Makin's suggestion to use Doctor for the melody in the bass in the part where the piano comes in. The project became a lot more fun once I let it turn into a real remix, rather than an attempt to recreate something as complicated as the original -- I never appreciated just how much is going on during the main middle section of the song before. Anyways, I think it turned out pretty well for my first real remix (as opposed to an Audacity mashup).
The song was originally called Slower of the Coasting Roll, but I realized that throwing in Slow your roll memes would make the song a little sillier than I was going for. Getting rid of that also let the name almost rhyme with the original name.
I only really jumped in near the end to add my special flavor of GIMP stupidity to the mix. I worked on "Not Another Doctor Remix", "Moondoctor" (the cave story one) and "Savior of the Coasting Rolled". All three were fairly simple image manips and were pretty fun to do, although it took me way too long to do them. Special thanks to whoever completely fucked the formatting on this document. I'm on mobile and it took me 10 minutes just to set it fucking straight again. Fuck you <3
Join us next time where I will talk about dilbert3, cool ranch, and clown suicide. Probably.