- KotoriKotori (Oceanfalls)
Nombres adicionales o alternativos:
- untitled kotori song (working name)
Por Nevermind3476
Suvillan's Giant Spiralling Tower
Previo pista por este artista.
Carátula por Hiklight
The Fifth Flower
Previo arte de pista por este artista.
Lanzado el 31/12/2024.
Duración: 1:47.
Escucha en Bandcamp.
Lea en comentario de artista.
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Pistas que Scarlet Wings referencia: Pistas que esta hace referencia:
Comentario del artista:
Nevermind3476, Nights, Pikarai, Witch's Cadence, Leonard826, leiirue, Finchlet y Mathias Ramalho: (YouTube premiere live chat)
Nights: OH
Nights: Yeah this IS the real last song. sorry
Pikarai: yeah final song guys
Witch's Cadence: lol nights has no idea how long the album isNights: Look at the cute drawing :]
Pikarai: very big fan of this drawing
Fan: cute drawing indeed
Nights: She's gacha game kotoriNevermind: this is actually the most recent one too im pretty sure
Nevermind: i threw this on very lateWitch's Cadence: (there's definitely not another song!!) (right?? right???)
Pikarai: nah no more songs after this
leiirue: there isnt
Witch's Cadence: bet you ain't prepared
Nights: No we end here 100% billion trillion percent
Geopixii: Gotta be the lastRainer: unforeseen reference
Nevermind: i just pulled kotori related words out of a hat
nevermind: this was "untitled kotori song" until last weekFinchlet: final song
Finchlet: definitely, totally, the last song in the album
Nevermind: it's not actually
Pikarai: idk what ur talking about nevermind
Coy: geez how many final songs does this album have?
leiirue: this is the last one i rpromise
Witch's Cadence: uh
Witch's Cadence: twelve
Geopixii: This is it
Pikarai: final song
Nights: I pinky promiseNights: Nevermind I really love the jutaxposition of your songs on this album by the way
Nevermind: :)
Fuente de créditos:
Nevermind3476: (Oceanfalls Discord)
scarlet wings references kotori from ray of light