
Spirited Euphoria

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Por Rowyn Berlan YouTube YouTube rowynberlan SoundCloud RowynBerlan Twitter Fate of the Heir Previo pista por este artista Jaded Luminescence Siguiente pista por este artista.
Carátula por KiddleScribbles kiddlescribbles SoundCloud KiddleScribbles YouTube KiddleScribbles Twitter kiddlescribbles Newgrounds Caring, Compassion, Kindness. The 3 Elements of SALE! Previo arte de pista por este artista Victory! Siguiente arte de pista por este artista.
Lanzado el 12/6/2019.
Duración: 2:42.

Escucha en Bandcamp.

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Rowyn Berlan: (composer, booklet commentary)

Y'all like Purple Tyrant? cause that's what I based this song off of. Spirited Euphoria to me was an interesting song to work on especially when it differs from my initial thematic intentions of focusing on the dark side of Meulin's and Kurloz's relationship.

In the end it really just sounds like a pure Kurloz song which I'm totally fine with since the overall instrumentation and structure of the song supports it being that way.

Oh! yeah and the kickass EarthBound inspired art by Kiddles is really fucking good as well.

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