Troublemaker Tango

Por Pascal van den Bos
Vaporsecata - ベーパセタ
Previo pista por este artista
Black (Cucumber Quest)
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Carátula por wumby
This Baby's Timeless!
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Lanzado el 13/4/2019.
Duración: 4:13.
Escucha en YouTube.
Lea en comentario de artista.
Pistas que Troublemaker Tango referencia: Pistas que esta hace referencia:
- Spider's Claw por Toby Fox
- Escapade por Pascal van den Bos
- Crystalanthemums por Alex Rosetti
- Courser por Seth Peelle y Alex Rosetti
- Versus por Toby Fox
- Upward Movement (Dave Owns) por Kalibration
- Beatdown (Strider Style) por Curt Blakeslee
- Artificial Extortion por Pascal van den Bos
- Deception por Rowyn Berlan
- Penumbra Phantasm por Toby Fox
- Umbral Ultimatum por Toby Fox
Pistas que Troublemaker Tango samplea: Pistas que esta samplea:
Comentario del artista:
Pascal van den Bos: (composer, booklet commentary)
Prior to making this song me and my girlfriend had been watching a lot of the anime “Saiki-K” and the music in that is extremely good. When i got to my computer i wanted to write a song like the beach theme in Saiki. That’s where the beginning came from, after that it just became a mesh of a bunch of different things. At some point i just started to add different Homestuck motifs and stuff like the voice clips from Strider in the House. And also Deception, aka, The best song ever made. In the end it turned out as one of my favorite songs that i made for this album. Mayor props to wumby for the art as well, it’s really good.