vs bros

Por Toby Fox
uh oh
Previo pista por este artista
a baby is born
Siguiente pista por este artista.
Lanzado el 13/10/2010.
Duración: 1:27.
Escucha en YouTube.
Pistas que vs bros referencia: Pistas que esta hace referencia:
- Can You Feel the Love Tonight por The Lion King, Elton John, Tim Rice y Chris Thomas
- Versus por Toby Fox
Pistas que vs bros samplea: Pistas que esta samplea:
Pistas que referencian vs bros: Pistas que hacen referencia a esta:
- De Fandom: Pistas de Fandom que hacen referencia a esta:
Pistas que samplean vs bros: Pistas que samplean esta:
- De Fandom: Pistas de Fandom que samplean esta:
- Broseph Bash por Jebb
Flashes & juegos que incluyen vs bros: Flashes & juegos que incluyen esta pista:
Caaaan you feeeel—
(DAVE: Bro I dont wanna fight you, I just want to have my baby in peace.
BRO: Hah! Too bad, Ash Ketchum! I'm Gary motherfucking Oak, I'm hungry for babies so get goddamn shoveling!)I'm the king of everything under the sun
I'm just like Parappa except I like hot dog buns
I'm gonna Beatdown your butt, I'll Contention your face
I'll eat all the babies in the human race(JOHN: Why would Bro say something like that?
DAVE: I don't know, he's never tried to eat my babies before!)Shut up your face dad, I'm totally me
Eatin' apple jacks is the way to be!(BRO: How does it feel to be shut down by my superior rapping techniques? I will show you the power of the forbidden rhyme... words that rhyme with THEMSELVES!)
Hat, hat
Cat, cat (JOHN: How much further can he go at this?)
Bat, bat
Bat, bat (DAVE: He's gonna run out of words sometime!)
Oops, I said something wrong 'cuz I'm stupid
Uh, uh, uh, uh
I don't, I didn't even write anything for this part
So, yeah...(Actually, a fight sequence was entirely unnecessary. So, it was deleted aaaand what happens is that in the end: it turns out Bro's a robot. I mean... it was just complex given the fact that this is a normally simple story about, um uh, you know like a... thirteen-year-old boy giving birth to his brea- best friend, I- It- It didn't fit the archetypes. So, I'm going to uh... move on to the next song and you can, just... chillax a little bit.)